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SEARCH file search_string

* SEARCH searches for the search_string in the file. The file can
  be a binary (eg. executable) or a text. Each occurance
  will be printed on the window with highlighted search_string.
  If the file is a text, the whole line will be printed.
  If it is a binary file, it will be printed from the occurance
  to the next NULL or LF.
* Searching is case independent (of course!).
* To search for a string at the beginning of a line (textfile only)
  put a point (.) before the search_string.

eg.     search zshell.doc "binary (eg."
        search s:startup-sequence .assign
          {show all assigns, but not "resident assign"}
        search c:mount $ver:    {show version number and date,
                            should work with all newer executables}